How to use an Advertorial in your Pet Industry business

Claudia Cesarotti
2 min readSep 11, 2020
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

What the heck is an ‘Advertorial’ you may be wondering…

Glad you asked! An Advertorial is an advertisement formatted to look like and sound like editorial content.

It can come in many forms…

A written advertorial would come across as:

· A blog post

· A news article

· Or, a web page

An advertorial can come in the form of an image such as:

· An infographic

· Or, a meme

And a Video or Audio advertorial would look like a:

· YouTube script

· Or, a podcast script

Each form of the advertorials above can be written from several types of direction such as:

· Editorial

· Story-based

· Or, a listicle (more explanation on that in a bit…)

An advertorial is normally used as part of an online sales funnel if your pet industry company sells products or promotes a service on your company’s website.

Because an advertorial is formatted to be like editorial content found in an industry-relevant publication, most of what is presented should be information that is of high value to the reader. The content should be interesting and entertaining, maybe even educational.

When an advertorial is featured in a trusted publication like Pet Age or Pet Insight… or on a credible association’s website like American Pet Product Association (APPA), it lends more weight to the message the advertorial is trying to convey.

The main purpose of an advertorial is to warm up cool or wary audiences accustomed to being ‘sold to’.

It’s a good chance to highlight your company’s product or service with a story about how your product benefitted a customer… or to use a ‘listicle’ to highlight the 5 best dog breeds for families with small children. A listicle is a very effective way to showcase valuable information in a ‘list’ type format. It can be scanned easily and absorbed quickly by the reader.

If your Pet Industry company needs a touchpoint between a social media ad and your website’s sales page, then an advertorial is an extremely powerful tool to accomplish that.

